2017 Scholarship Winners Announcement

The Donald L. Smith Research Grant is offered as a tribute to the late Professor Donald Smith of Montana State University (see AAPG Bulletin, v. 69, p. 1830-1832). This grant offers a $2,000 award to a Ph.D. degree candidate. The award is to be used for research that is directly applicable to better understanding the geology of the Rocky Mountain region.

Justin Ahern, U of Nebraska, Advisor: Dr. Christopher Fielding, Sedimentologic and stratigraphic investigation of the Heath Formation, Central Montana and Manning Canyon Formation, Utah: Implication for climate change.

Edwin D. McKee Grant is offered as a tribute to the late Edwin McKee who worked for the U.S. Geological Survey for over 30 years (see AAPG Bulletin, v. 69, p. 491-493). This grant offers a $2,000 award to Undergraduate or Master's degree candidates. The award is to be used for thesis-related research in sedimentology and/or the application of sedimentology to a better understanding of the geology of the Rocky Mountain region. Here the Award is split.

Alicia L. Bonar, NM State University, Advisor: Br. Brian Hampton, Provenance and sediment dispersal trends during the final Early Permian (Wolfcampian) phase of the Ancestral Rocky Mountain orogeny in west-central NM.

Erin Lathrop, Utah State University, Advisor: Dr. Carol M. Dehler, Understanding the late Mesoproterozoic Earth system from the oldest strata in the Grand Canyon: C-isotope stratigraphy and facies analysis of the 1255 Ma Bass Formation, Grand Canyon Supergroup, AZ.

Fluvial Sedimentology Award is offered in the amount of $2,000 to support Masters or Doctoral level student research in modern or ancient fluvial sedimentology.

Anthony Feldman, NM Institute of Mining and Technology, Advisor: Dr. James Bruce Harrison, Glacial chronology and pedogenesis rates near Big Costilla Peak, NM